Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Why I am choosing to have a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After C-section)...

First, I want to say, Kennedy’s surgical birth was not traumatic. C-sections are a blessing and I’m very grateful that my baby and I had a safe delivery.  You can read Kennedy’s birth story here

Now, I am choosing a VBAC for many reasons. 

I wasn’t sure how to write all my feelings, so I decided to write them in a stream of consciousness.

I choose a VBAC because…
I want to feel my baby come from my vagina. I want to know what it feels like to actually push my own child out. I would love for my husband or I to catch our baby.  I want to see my husband’s face the moment our baby takes its first breath.  I want the baby to be put right on my chest as soon as it is born.  I want to smell my baby before they take her away to be cleaned. I want my baby to know she is safe right away and that mommy is here. I want to see my baby’s little face clearly without being drugged up. I want to be able to walk to my baby’s bassinet in the hospital when it cries. I want to sleep next to my husband and snuggle with our new baby instead of sleeping in a chair when we first get home from the hospital. I want to be able to take a shower without anyone’s help. I don’t want to be cut open and my baby ripped out of me. I want my baby to come into the world peacefully… And the list goes on.

Emotionally and physically, I knew why I wanted a VBAC, but my next question was is a VBAC safe? If so, then what are my chances of having a successful VBAC? After doing a lot of research (internet, support groups and talking with obstetricians). I learned the chance of having a successful VBAC was very good and the chance of Uterine Rupture was less then 1%.  After weighing the risks and benefits my husband and I decided to go for a VBAC.

Please understand these are my thoughts based on my experiences. I know that some people love their C-sections and I know some people would never take the risk of a VBAC and I respect all of your wishes, so please respect mine and be kind with your comments.

Some sites I found helpful while doing my VBAC research.


  1. Great post, Bree! I'm Heather and I have a question about your blog! If you could email me at Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com that would be great!

  2. I could have written this exact post prior to having my VBAC. One exception, I didn't sleep in a chair LOL! I slept in the bed upright on one of those faux armchair things that is called a "husband" where I come from. Ugh. It was so miserable.

    I wasn't traumatized by my C-Section but I was overall kind of pissed that it probably didn't have to happen. I had a "good" recovery but let me tell you, it was NOTHING compared to the cakewalk of my vaginal delivery - and that was with a 2nd degree tear.

    I don't know when having a VBAC became "risky" and having a repeat C-Section became the default. It is kind of sad - especially if you want to have a lot of kids. I was 3 years post C-Section, I had the right kind of incision, I was planning to do it in the hospital under monitoring and I was not induced. Having a VBAC didn't feel risky to me.

  3. Okay, so somehow I'd never read part 3 of your birth story before just now, so I had no clue you'd had a C-Section! I am in the same boat as you- I never planned a C-section with my first baby and I'm not going to plan one with my next. While I'm not pregnant now, I definitely plan to have a VBAC the next time around, as long as everything is healthy.

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  5. So awesome! Good for you! My c-section was also fine, but I feel the same about wanting to try giving birth the good old fashioned way. I'm exited to hear how it goes for you!

    1. Thanks Sara and I'm glad to share my story. I also look fwd to reading yours one day!
