Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Breakfast Nook: Upholstery

I heard you guys... I need color…and after some soul searching and some night sweats, I'm officially over my color phobia :)

My next project is the breakfast nook and it will be full of color.  I have an open concept floor plan, so the colorless family room is attached to the kitchen and breakfast nook.  If I add color to the breakfast nook, I will automatically be adding a bit of color to the family room. 

This is a before picture of the nook.

Then I worked with a cabinet-maker to make these lovely benches that came in this week.

Now all we need is some colorful upholstery!  So baby K, MT and I went fabric shopping. 

I had all shorts of ideas in my head, but there were so many choices, so my ideas kept changing.  

Below is the first color combination for the breakfast nook cushions…

 Then I changed my mind and here is the second color combination for the breakfast nook cushions…

Then I changed my mind again and the winner is... 

I’m so excited!  The upholstery team picked up the fabrics today and I will not see the finished work for another two weeks.  

As for adding color to the family room, I will add it after my cushions arrive. Once the cushions are in the space, I will see what color will compliment the cushions. I will then decide how these colors will appear in my family room i.e. paintings, pillows, lamps etc.