Thursday, February 28, 2013

Kennedy at Nursery School/ Mother's Day Out

During the Christmas holiday when Kennedy just turned 7 months she started crawling a lot.  It only took her one day to get really fast!  Two days later she stood up and started “cruising” (walking using the furniture for balance).  Ever since, my world has not been the same!  I thought I was busy before, HA!  I can’t even blink my eyes now without this little girl getting into something.  MT and I decided that it’s time for Kennedy to go to a nursery school.  As a teacher, I know that children learn best from their peers.  It was time for her to start socializing without mama. Kennedy and I are already very active in “Mommy and Me” programs but it was time for my little 8 month old to spread her wings. 

We were lucky to find an opening mid year at a Mother’s Day Out program at a local church where we can take Kennedy two days a week.  Last week was Kennedy’s first week and it was so tough on me.  When I dropped her off I felt like I was giving her up for adoption.  I felt so bad because I thought maybe she doesn’t get it and she thought I was leaving her forever.  It took all of me not to cry, but I knew that if I cried, then Kennedy would get scared.  I left her for 2 hours!  The longest 2 hours of my life.  The second day, I left her the whole time and when I came to pick her both times she was playing and happy.

I’m glad I found this program because we both need it.  Now I can finally go to my doctor appointments on time, hairdresser, run errands, and of course get back to blogging. I have missed you guys.  Below is picture of baby Kennedy at nursery school.