Friday, October 21, 2011

Check out my Birthday Surprise!!!

Today is my birthday and I felt moved to share with you our great joy...


MT and I are 11 weeks pregnant. I was going to wait unitil I was in my second trimester to share the news but today I woke up (on my birthday) and said this is the day. Since I was 23 years old, birthdays have been hard for me. Every birthday since then, I would wake up and evaluate my life and I never felt satisfied with where I was in my life. However this morning I woke up feeling so blessed. This is my first birthday in a very long time where I just feel complete and wouldn’t change one thing. I love my life.

Friday, October 14, 2011

How is your day going?

I hope all of you are having a great Friday. I know I am!!! Guess what MT and I did today? We handed in our Earnest Money check for our new house! That’s right after 3 or 4 counteroffers we finally came to an agreement with the seller and we are officially in contract! Whoooo Hoooo!

As if that was not enough fun, MT and I were invited to a luncheon in order to support the development of parks in and around Houston communities and to my surprise...The Honorable Annise Parker, the Mayor of Houston was a guest speaker and she was awesome.

I hope everyone is having a great day because I sure am!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

House Hunting in Houston TX!

MT and I have been busy house hunting. House hunting is fun but it's a lot of work. The hardest part for us was narrowing down a location. Before we moved to Houston we thought we would live in suburbs but after MT had a taste of Houston traffic we decided that having a shorter commute would be best for our family.

It's hard for me to explain how Houston is set up but I’ll try. The center of the city is called the inner loop because a highway called 610 circles the center of the city like a loop. In the center of the inner loop is downtown and we knew that if we lived within the loop we would be pretty close to MT’s job which is downtown. That sounds easy but the loop is quite large and full of tons of neighborhoods. However, with the help of family, friends, a good realtor, twitter and the Htownbloggers we finally decieded on a neighborhood called the Heights.

The Heights is a cute and eccentric community. It has a small town feeling even though you are in the heart of the city. It's full of craftman style bungalows and large victorian homes. Most of the homes were built in the turn of the century but there’s also new construction. The new construction homes are built to look like the older victorian homes, so they match the neighborhood. Last week we found one home really liked and put a offer on it. Wish us luck!