Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Family Room

I have always thought of myself as a creative person. I have BA in Theater for goodness sake and you would think that would give me an edge when it comes to decorating our new home, however, this project has been very difficult.  Apparently, years of living in small New York City apartments has made decorating our modest home seem like an overwhelming task.  I can’t seem to make up my mind on any one piece of furniture let alone imagine it in a room with other pieces of furniture must coexist.  My husband is refusing to continue to sit on folding chairs and furniture that is falling apart, so it's time to go shopping.  Here goes nothing!

Below is one of our first rooms… we have started to work on… the family room!



Things we need to work on next in this room:

T.V. stand- We got a great deal on a closed T.V. stand during the holiday weekend. I can't wait till it arrives because Kennedy is growing and moving fast. As you can see, by looking at the corners of our coffee table we have started baby proofing.  But our whole TV stand has to go. I can just see  Kennedy pulling herself up on those glass shelves. 

We still have to purchase:

-Window treatments
-Art work for the walls

If you have any ideas on what styles will look good in this room and where I can get good deals for items above please let me know?

Friday, November 2, 2012

Happy Belated Halloween!

Happy Belated Halloween! We had a ball.  Our Halloween celebration started last Saturday. We brought the baby to a Pumpkin Patch party in our neighborhood.

 Later that night the family got dressed up and went to a neighbor’s party.  

The next day we brought the baby  K to the zoo  for the first time where they were having a Halloween kids party. 

All the fun continued through Halloween night when we had an impromptu block party with our neighbors. 

Instead of staying in our house to give out candy we brought the candy outside and we all hung out with each other. This worked out really well for us because our baby fell a sleep really early that night and she might have been disturbed by trick or treaters  ringing the doorbell. 

How was your Halloween?