Monday, January 12, 2015


Last time I wrote, I just had a healthy baby girl via VBAC! Fast forward, Talia is almost a year old and guess what? No, I’m not pregnant… Lol! But we moved to London, UK. We moved to the UK for my husband’s work. My husband accepted a six months assignment, and we have been here for four months. We have two more months to go!  It will be bitter sweet to say goodbye. I just started to make real friendship and we finally have a good routine.  I love living here, though the first few months were rough. It’s been tough because the girls were not sleeping! We finally got Talia to sleep thought the night, but Kennedy is another story. She was a good sleeper till London and she is still having trouble sleeping. I know it’s a late start, but I think it will be fun for you all to tag along with us on our last few weeks.